Sunday, February 12, 2012

Spout Off

Please be a dear and put up with my negative thoughts of the night: Seriously? How did I get in this position again? Second place, the best friend, the messenger, the cheerleader. I'm done with this side of a relationship. I really struggle with the idea that we are supposed to marry our friends. In my experience, friends, who already have an established friendship outside of romance cannot date because 1- They don't see you in that way or 2- They're in love with a roommate/best friend. And probably start dating this said roommate/friend. 3- You're the person they can talk to about dating problems. 4- The timing isn't right.
Ladies, where do you find guys to date if you can't date the guys that are already in your pool of friends? How do you put the thoughts of insecurity and comparing out of your head at times like this? How do you continue to have motivation that Mr. Right will come along? If you already think you know who he is, how do you hold on to that hope and not let it die? Do you get fears that it might not work out between you two and you'll be left alone? How do you deal or cope with that? Sorry for the babble. Your Confused Single Blogger.


Melissa said...

Being single is hard. Dating is hard. Being engaged is hard. Being married is hard. You are beautiful, talented, and have so much to offer. Through all of the "harndess" you just have to stay strong and know that Heavenly Father has someone incredibly special for you. Someone who will appreciate you for your strengths and your weaknesses. And THAT is worth the wait. Take this time in the single world to learn love yourself the way your friends and family do. How is he supposed to see how awesome you are if you don't? I hope you find what you are looking for :)

Aleisha said...

i completely agree with everything mel said...perfect! when the time is right it will work out. i know that isn't what anyone really wants to hear but as long as you are constantly progressing and working on becoming the woman God knows you are and continuing faithful it will work out when the time is right. love you shaunzi! you are seriously so great!

Beka said...

I used to think that I would marry my best friend. Someone I had been friends with for years (like Nate cough cough). I always thought (and I do still hope sometimes) that my marriage would grow out of friendship. I think that is true, to a point. i was always scared to like someone who i wasn't friends with first because i didn't really "know" them. but i think now that if it is right you WILL become their best friend, and vice versa. you will marry your best friend. don't give up faith in finding Mr. Right! I know he is out there for me and I know he is out there for you. it's hard to wait and be patient- trust me. But i also know it will be worth it :) love you girl!