Friday, February 24, 2012

P-Town Bestie

So I thought I was going to do this post long long ago but as we all know I need at least 2 weeks between each post. So this post is dedicated a girl that I feel like I've known for years but in reality we actually only met a month and a half ago. This girl knows who she is and for confidentially reasons I'm going to call her Royce throughout the post.
So the first day I met Royce we stayed up talking until 5 am. We both talked about our families, our passions and all the things we love in life. From that day on we've been super close. There are a lot of things that make her so fabulous but I'm just going to list a few of them. I love that I can tell her anything and I think she feels the same way with me. She's pushed me in ways that I've been immensely grateful for. Upon moving to Provo I learned that I had some semi-serious health concerns. Due to her excitement and love of physical fitness I've gotten back on the path and routine I need. I think we both help each other in ways I wasn't expecting when I got here. Anyone that reads this blog knows me well enough to know I'm an extremely open person, sometimes too open; well Royce is the exact opposite of that. We're both helping each other meet somewhere in the middle. She's been extremely understanding of so much about my personality traits that tend to get on others nerves. She is a great listener and I love how we can talk until the late hours of the night.
Mostly, I love Royce because she has a real pure testimony. She doesn't pretend to know things she doesn't fully understand. She studies things out and has a true testimony of the atonement, repentance and Christ-like kindness. Thank you Royce, for reminding me of the basic principles of the gospels and helping me become more of the person I want to be! I love you girl!

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