Tuesday, April 10, 2012

(Best) Friend. Woman. Musician. Disciple of Christ.

Throughout my life I've been blessed greatly in the friends department. I've made many friends since leaving high school, all over Utah. Although many of these friends are now dear to my heart I can truly say I've never had a friendship quite as strong or unique as the one I have with Anna Christina Bowman. This is the story of us. Yes I know we're not a couple.
I met Anna quite a few years back when she moved into the neighborhood at the end of our elementary years. Since we were both  pathetically awkward in these days, we naturally gravitated toward one another after a short while. I sadly can't provide any proof of the aforementioned awkwardness but lets just say we were one attractive pair. (Anna with her slicked back bun, orange t-shirt and fuzzy purple earrings. Me sporting "cute" track-suits while desperately trying to convince every soul in the world, including myself, that I did in fact have curly hair that could be scrunched and look somewhat decent.)
Anna and I enjoyed some great times in Junior High. In the seventh grade we both fell HARD for a boy that would define the next 3 years of our lives. In the next few years we fell for some others, some serious, some not so serious. One that would define the beginning of the "dating" world for us by being the cowboy that would take her away. One that shook my chair hard everyday and still makes my heart pound just as hard. We shared a locker in ninth grade and reported every single detail of our day to each other between classes. Looking back it all makes me laugh but then we really helped each other through those terribly uncomfortable years.
High school came and brought with it a whirlwind of changes. Both Anna and I had our "place" in the school. Anna was the classy, graceful, musician that could awe everyone with her understated beauty. She lived life on a whim and followed no one. I was the exact opposite. I was loud, social, involved, planned-out and a definite follower. However, we both found things we loved throughout these years. Even though we were different in so many ways, we remained the best of friends.
(Graduation dinner)
We both had very painful struggles in those years. We helped each other through them in so many ways. This is one of the reasons I think our friendship is so unique. We experienced a period of time that we couldn't really talk to one another because of complex circumstances. Many of you are now thinking that if we weren't talking to each other we couldn't help one another, I disagree. I feel we both helped each other in a way no one else could with the example we set in the way we lived and the way we treated others. Anna may not feel the same, but sometimes even a smile, a knowing look, or a wave from her was all I needed to know she still loved me. She believed in me and at that time in my life I didn't think many people did. We got through that time period and our friendship became so much stronger because of it.
There were many boys throughout these years as well. When I hear girls talking about the "girl-code" and how they aren't friends with a certain individual anymore because of it I tend to laugh. As far as Anna and I go, I'm pretty sure we broke every. single. rule. in that code. We both loved each other's boyfriends or crushes quite a few times. We even stole each other's boys at times. There were also guys one or the other of us dated that the other hated. We were 'in love' with the same guy for a good five months at the end of our senior year. However, through all of that, we remained friends. No matter who we dated, who got the guy, or how it all played out, we both knew that we loved each other and we could always count on that.
(Black and White Goodbye Party)
Then came college. As strong as our relationship was in high school, it was about to get A LOT stronger. Anna left to pursue her dream in Ohio at the Cleveland Institute of Music. I stayed in Utah and attended USU to get my degree in History Teaching. College hit both of us hard. For different reasons but we both really struggled for a good year. She was homesick and dealing with a major cultural change. I was rebelling and trying to find happiness in places that it wouldn't ever be found. Anna was so far away but I knew I could always talk to her. I remember being so excited to see her over Christmas break. When I finally did it was like we'd never left. The next few semesters we learned how to deal with things and grew to love where we were in life.
In the spring of 2011 I hit a major breaking point in my life. I didn't know how Anna was as aware of it as she was because I honestly didn't give her that many details. Now I know it's because she is INSANELY in tune with the spirit. Seriously, she's one of those angels God sends us to love and comfort his children. She called me one day said "I don't know why I'm calling you but I felt like you needed someone to talk to. I feel like you might be sad, maybe I'm wrong but you know you can talk to me right?" I broke down and told her everything I was feeling, how I felt like I didn't have a place in the world and that I essentially had lost hope in so many areas. After that I called her ALL. THE. TIME. The best thing about calling Anna when you're upset is that she doesn't dismiss it. She mourns with you. She lets you feel how you feel for as long as you need. Then when you ask for help she gives it. Yes, she gives advice and love and comfort, but most of all she tells you to pray for all of those things. And I'm pretty sure as soon as she hangs up she gets on her knees and prays her heart out for you. And let me tell you, God listens to Anna Bowman's prayers.
I moved home after that time and we got to spend a lot of time together over Christmas Break. I met her boy, Chris, although at the time I didn't know he would be her boy forever. He seemed like he made her genuinely happy, and I was happy for her. We talked about how much we'd changed and grown since graduating. When she left I felt like I was losing her all over again. I started school at UVU and finally found a place in Provo where I felt like I belonged. So much of that was because of Anna. She continued talking to me about Chris and in about the middle of February I was pretty convinced they were going to get married. It just took you two a little longer to figure it out.
(Anna after the proposal)
We're now up to the current time and this is where this post is going to be directed toward Anna.
Anna, you are my very best friend in the entire world. Well, besides you know who. Ha. You've helped me through the hardest times of my life. You never judged me or saw me as someone that was weak or broken. You always have seen me as a strong daughter of God that has infinite possibilities and for that I'll be eternally grateful. You have some of the greatest faith I've ever observed. You know that everything will work out as long as you obey. With that comes a great desire to be obedient, that has helped me so much the past few years. You love people with everything you have. I feel bad for people that don't have you in their life because I think they're missing out on some of the most Christ-like love a person can have. You love the talents God gave you and I don't think many people do that. You are one of the most driven, passionate, talented people I know and it shows. You know who you are and you've helped me find that in myself as well. On a different note, there is only one other person in this world that makes me laugh harder than you. I am completely myself and at ease around you. I have some of the best memories of the funnest nights of my life with you, and the best part is that we weren't doing anything! Just sitting and talking about life. I always have fun with you and I can't wait to spend a couple more short crazy months with you before the wedding. It's gonna be a blast.
I've always said the boy you marry is going to be a lucky one because you would be SO in love with him. I was right. You love Chris so deeply and it shows. He's lucky to have you. I know you're going to take care of him, love him, be there for him, make him laugh, and cry with him when times get though. He's going to do that for you as well. I also know that your marriage will be built upon the Savior and when it is, it can't ever fall. I can't wait to see how great of a mother you'll be. I can't even tell you how happy I am for you. I'm so glad you're getting married in the temple to not only a worthy, but a pretty dang amazing guy. Once again, you're setting the example for me. I want you to know that when (not if) I cry on your wedding day, it's not going to be because I'm sad. I'm going to be so extremely proud of you. I know it because I already am. You have done so much and you've become the kind of woman I hope to someday be. You're doing everything we ever dreamed of. I love you baby cakes. Forever. I hope I've helped you in even a small measure compared to how much you've helped me and changed my life. I'm so excited to find my eternal companion and go on doubles with you and Chris. Chris, as for you, I give the best friend position over to you since you've pretty much already filled it. Cherish her. She's worth it! Love you both! Congratulations!

1 comment:

Beka said...

Anna is engaged?!! that is so exciting! you two have the greatest friendship and i love it