Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Curvy & Cute

Over the past few years I think I've become a lot more fashionable than I once was. I love mixing colors, patterns, textures, and styles. I think of my clothes as an expression of who I am or how I'm feeling that day. Picking my outfit every morning is my idea of fun... ok it might be a little more fun if I could take about an hour to do so. When
I get tired of doing homework I end up on one of these four sites: Anthropologie, J. Crew, Aldo, or Nordstrom. I know I don't currently have the cash flow for any of these stores but that's why I usually buy only one article of clothing at a time. (Unless of course the mamacita is being generous and paying.)
On an entirely different topic, I know I'm beautiful. However, I'm not what society would call the 'typical' pretty girl. I love changing my hair color/cut way too often, I love being classy and funky at the same time, I have a large chest and most of all I'm CURVY.
So I love fashion, being different, and being curvy. I don't think there are enough girls in the world that embrace all of those things. Girls, you aren't "bigger" or fat! You're curvy, you're sexy and most of all you're REAL! Also, I think there is a big difference with being "curvy" while not working out or caring and being physically active whil
e still loving the curves and yourself. You're always going to have because that's how you're built so you might as well learn to love them.
I love fashion blogs that incorporate all of these factors while choosing outfits. However, I think there is one big thing missing from a lot of these blogs. Many of you reading this are college students. I don't think any of us have 150 bucks to spend on a shirt that fits you just right from that onestore. Or 200 dollars for a swimsuit that works with your curves. That's why I've decided I'm going to start posting some of my outfits. They're inexpensive, fun, fashionable, and most of all, they show how curvy girls can rock it!
Here's the first one:

Top: Downeast Basics// Blazer: H&M//Jeans: American Eagle//Shoes: Forever Young Shoes//Scarf: Gift

This is my first attempt at anything like this. Let me know what you think!


Audriana Payne said...

cute! love it!

Emily said...

Shaunzi Byron taught me how to dress. I'm consistently trying to update my style but you were the one who talked me into jeggings and boots and all these cute clothes that I just can't get enough of now!