Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Current Listenings

I realized I haven't posted in weeks. Which is actually quite funny since I spend a good amount of everyday on the computer at work blog stalking. Anyway, I decided to write a short little post of my song obsessions of the day. They change daily but today they go something like this...

The Edge of Glory - My Girl Lady Gaga
This is the perfect mixture of ballad meets pop. It might even be my current favorite of the 4 singles that have been released from the new album. It's super different than anything of hers and it makes me super excited for all the tracks on Born This Way.

Face Up - Lights
I was introduced to this lovely song by none other than Elder Randle. This song hit me so hard when I first heard it. Everytime I listen I'm reminded of the beauty of this life and how important it is to keep pushing even when things get hard. I completely love this line, it reminds me we aren't alone... Look at the people all around you, the way you feel is something everybody goes through. Dark up but you still gotta lie up, you need to wake up, gotta keep your face up.

Not Ready to Make Nice - Dixie Chicks
I love everything about this video. The song is completely gorgeous and has revived my Dixie chicks stage into full swing. I mean just take a look at Natalie Maines face in the close ups, completely full of flawless emotion. Not to mention the black & white shirt/skirt combo. Love. This is my new blast in the car while on drives song.

I See The Light - Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi
Ok, how can you NOT love this song? I mean really. "All at once, everything is different, now that I see you." It's so sweet. No girl wouldn't want this sung to them. Take a listen.


There ya have it, let me know what you think! A substantial post will be coming soon.

P.S. Super Bass - Nicki Minaj

1 comment:

.[walter].chase.pont. said...

Booom ba doo boom boo ba doo boom bass;)